Wellingtons first day

Wellingtons first day
My Rug

Saturday 9 October 2010

The adventures of the last 6 days

Wellington has settled into his new home well, training his human parents well.  Looking as cute as he does he managed to look so gourgous that he slept on the humans bed for the first 2 nights.  Everytime the poor lad moved in the night he was promptly taken out in the garden.  He was not too impressed with this, especially when the humans actually needed the toilet and he didn't.  As the brave boy on the third night he slept on his own bed without complaint,  sleeping through the night, happy not to be disturb in by his humans.

The first trip to the vet with his dad went well, he bounded out of his crate towards the vet, casually tapping away at the vets keyboard with his paws whilst getting his injection.  He enjoyed all the fuss he recieved from the nurses, bagging himself a tasty treat in the process.

Wellington took on the job of cheering up a new friend by snuggling in tight to her.  He also defended her garden from a traspassing cat.

He has faced a vacume cleaner, and wasn't bothered just made sure that his mum made a good job of hoovering up the dried discarded leaves from his favourite rug.  He met with the lawn mower, and proceeded to follow it up and down the garden trying to enforce straight stripes. (He failed)

He discovered the neighbours pigeons landing on his garden and insisted they move when he chased them at high speed.  He also fetched his dad to show him how he could jump on his first grasshooper, which up until the last few days camped out in great numbers on the lawn.

Wellington has been the model puppy in many ways, however he refuses to be controlled by what he sees as the 'collar of obedience' when attached to his lead, except if he can carry the lead himself. 

He enjoyed a visit last night from a friend, as she lavished him with so much love and kisses.

Wellington is really looking forward to tomorrow, when he is getting a visit from his Uncle Merlin the Bullmastiff.  He received a letter from Merlin which he keeps in his crates to occupy him when he is left alone.  He was grateful to receive a treat from Merlin and has saved some of his treats to share on his arrival.

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